We are a creative team, focused on the continuous improvement of quality and productivity processes. We are enthusiastic about the potential that FRP technology offers.

  • ABNT NBR 15536: Systems for water supply, trunk collectors, sanitary sewage and rainwater outfalls – Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) pipes and connections;
  • AWWA C-950: AWWA Standard for Fiberglass pressure pipe;
  • AWWA M45: Manual of Water Supply Practices
  • ASTM D-3517: Standard Specification for Fiberglass pressure pipe;
  • ASTM D-3262: Standard Specification for Fiberglass Sewer pipe;
  • ASTM D-3754: Standard Specification for Fiberglass sewer and industrial pipe;
  • ASTM D-2992: Standard practice for obtaining Hydrostatic or pressure design basis (HDB) for Fiberglass pipe;
  • ASTM D-5365: Standard Test Method for Long Term Ring Bending Strain of Fiberglass pipe;
  • ASTM D-3681: Standard Test Method for chemical resistance of Fiberglass pipe in a deflected condition;
  • ISO 7682: Plastics piping Systems glass reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRO) pipes determination of initial specific ring stiffness;
  • ABNT NBR 15921: Oil and natural gas industries – Composite piping
ISO 9001 Petrofisa